Walinono Walinono, Edy Budiman, Medi Taruk


Analysis of HSDPA Technology Network Availability to 4G Internet Service Provider Variant

Analysis of HSDPA networks is a research that located at the densely populated city of Samarinda, East Kalimantan. Because the number of buildings that cause the wave propagation process or called propagation attenuation increases the great Delay. Therefore HSDPA network testing is done with various providers to know the good network quality by using Wireshark Tools based on QoS Parameters of Delay, Upload, Download, Jitter and Packet Loss. From the results of the research, network performance based on field trials can be concluded that the performance of some providers based on parameters with Telkomsel Provider at night fastest on Education Facility with Download 762 kbps, 329 kbps Upload, 4.09 ms Delay, 4.88 ms Jitter, Packet Loss 1.98% . and the lowest results on the location of Shopping Center at Provider Indosat with Download speed 153 kbps, Upload 247 kbps, Delay 23.93 ms, Jitter 1.39 ms, Packet Loss 5.67%.

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