Chairul Iswan, Budha Maryanti, Kuswandi Arifin


Natural fiber composites are one way natural ingredients can be used as production staples and artificial synthetic fibers. By using palm fiber as a composite making amplifier we can develop palm fiber to replace artificial fibers used now. The purpose of this study was to determine the strength ratio of the composite volume fraction of palm fibers with epoxy resin matrix. He object of research is ASTM D5942-96 and ASTM D638-01 fiber composite with variations in fiber volume fraction 0%, 3%, 6%, 9%, using epoxy resin and catalyst matrix, then look for the comparison of strength of fiber volume variation when impact tested and tensile tested. The results of the analysis of the palm fiber composite material obtained a conclusion on impact testing with ASTM D5942-96, maximum impact strength occurs at 9% fiber volume with an impact price strength of an average of 0,092 J/mm² and shows the minimum impact strength is in the 0% fiber volume composite with an average impact strength of 0.070 J/mm². And in tensile testing with ASTM D638-01 the maximum tensile strength occurs in composites with 0% fiber volume with an average tensile modulus value of 2,913.708 N/mm² and shows a minimum strength in composites with 9% fiber volume with tensile modulus value average 1,548.916 N/mm².

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