Erick Sorongan, Hilmansyah Hilmansyah, Hadiyanto Hadiyanto


Evaluation of information systems is an important element to know the performance as well as the success of an organization through the use of the technology used. One of the benchmarks that determine the evaluation of an information system is from the aspect of user satisfaction. This study aims to evaluate the user satisfaction of online academic information systems at State Polytechnic of Balikpapan. This study uses five variables from end user computing satisfaction model added one variable quality system to determine the factors that influence end-user satisfaction. The sample used by 100 students using online academic information systems was analyzed using the SEM-PLS method. Based on the results of research conducted there are variables that do not affect user satisfaction, are accuracy, format, ease of use and timeliness. While content and quality system are variables affect user satisfaction. The EUCS model can be used in assessing factors that influence the users satisfaction of online academic information systems.

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