Candra Irawan, Mohamad Isram M.Ain


Balikpapan City has groundwater quality characteristics that are still below the clean water standard, this is because groundwater contains iron metal which is very high so that the ground water produced is still yellow and smelly. Therefore, it is necessary to have adsorbents which are used to adsorb Fe metal, one of them is by using fly ash adsorbent. The research phases included preparation of fly ash, activation of fly ash with HCl, characterization of fly ash with SEM, determination of optimum pH conditions for adsorption of Fe metal ions by fly ash adsorbent. Determination of the effect of pH on Fe synthesis solution was carried out using adsorption of fly ash with optimum mass of 2.5 g, optimum contact time of 60 minutes and stirring speed of 100 rpm. Determination of the effect of pH was carried out with a variation of pH 2, 3, 4, 5, 6,and7. The results at pH 2 to pH 5 increased the percentage of adsorption, at pH 6 to pH 7 showed a decrease in the percentage of adsorption.

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