Panji Prima P, Turahyo Turahyo, Zaini Zaini


Cleaning the floor of the house generally uses cleaning equipment such as brooms and mops. This manual method certainly makes people lazy to do cleaning activities. Even though the cleanliness of the house is an important factor in the cleanliness of the air inside the house. When the air is dirty, humans who live in the house will be susceptible to respiratory diseases. Many factors why cleaning the floor of the house is rarely or lazily done, one of which is when you are tired of working all day, the homeowner will feel lazy to do the cleaning activity. In this study will make a floor cleaning robot where previously observed about the needs of this robot. Application software used in creating robot interfaces using the Blynk application as a robot motion controller connected to Bluetooth media. Arduino Mega 2560 is used as a controller to move the robot, both forward, backward, right and left, active vacuum cleaner and mopping motor. Bluetooth module HC-05 as a receiver and transmitter in a robot movement system. Based on the testing, this robot is very easy to use to clean the floor because it is controlled through a smart phone, so it becomes a solution for humans to help clean the floor.

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