Farida farida, Annisa Rizky Amalia


Fish is a source of reliable nutrition to support nutritional improvement society because belongs to the high-quality food. The purpose of this study is to find out that skipjack tuna can be processed into basic ingredients in making sausages, knowing the process of making sausage-based sausages, knowing the level of preference and level of product feasibility in terms of color, aroma, texture and taste. This study consists of two stages. The first stage is the experiment of making skipjack tuna and the second stage organoleptic test. Tests involving 5 panelists were limited, then the results were analyzed using SPSS 23.0 The highest average hedonic test result was 4.60 which said it was very like 350 grams. For the average scent of hedonic test, it was found that 4.60 stated it was very like 350 grams. For the average texture hedonic test obtained 4.60 states it is very like for 350 gr. For the average flavor hedonic test, it was found that 4.20 stated it was like 250 gr. The results of the average color hedonic quality test are 4.00 which is very gray for 250 gr. For the average hedonic quality test, the aroma is the same between the use of 350 grams and 250 grams of meat, namely 3.60 states that it is not fishy. For the average texture hedonic quality test that is 4,40 states it is very chewy for 350 gr. For an average taste of hedonic quality test that is 4.40, it states that skipjack tuna is 250 grams.

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