Sidi Na'ali, Wan Wan Agung N, Ma’rufiyadi ,




Di tambang Adaro (Tutupan Baru, RABU SIS) sering terjadi trauble engine tidak dapat high idle pada unit PC 3000-6 yang disebabkan oleh differential pressure switch salah mengirim sinyal ke controller bahwa HPF (High Pressure Filter) mengalami kebuntuan, namun hal tersebut tidak menggambarkan hal yang sebenarnya yang terjadi di dalam HPF. Oleh karena itu, perlu dilakukan penelitian untuk mengetahui penyebab differential pressure switch salah mengirim signal ke controller. Pada penelitian ini alat yang digunakan adalah Avometer. Kemudian differential pressure switch tersebut diukur dengan menggunakan Avometer untuk diketahui continueliti.Hasil pemeriksaan pada unit PC 3000-6 menunjukkan bahwa continueliti differential pressure switch mengalami putus menyebabkan engine tidak dapat high idle. Diharapkan penelitian ini dapat mencegah terjadinya kerusakan pada differential pressure switch sehingga differential pressure switch memiliki efisiensi yang baik.

Kata kunci: Differentiel Pressure Switch, HPF (High Pressure Filter), High idle.




In mine of Adaro ( New Tutupan, RABU SIS) often happened engine trauble cannot idle high at unit of PC 3000-6 which because of wrong switch pressure differential send sinyal to controller that HPF ( High Pressure Filter) natural of impasse, but the mentioned do not depict matter which in fact that happened in HPF. Therefore, require to be [done/conducted] research to know cause of wrong switch pressure differential send signal to controller. At this research of appliance the used is Avometer. Later;Then the switch pressure differential measured by using Avometer in order to be known inspection continueliti.Result at unit of PC 3000-6 indicating that natural switch pressure differential continueliti break to cause engine cannot idle high. Expected by this research can prevent the happening of damage at switch pressure differential so that switch pressure differential have good efficiency.            

Keyword: Differentiel Pressure Switch, HPF ( High Pressure Filter), High Idle.



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