A review of the Hotel Chef's Perceptions of Nutrition Food in the Culinary Industry

praseptia gardiarini


The hotel chef's perception of the nutrition present on the cooked menu is important to have especially in providing healthy food and meeting consumer needs. A positive contribution can be made when a chef understands some of these aspects so that he can serve healthy and good food to be consumed by the general public. The research uses a qualitative method with data collection through in-depth interviews with many experienced chefs at the leading hotel in Balikpapan. The results show that these chefs have a diverse understanding of nutrition and the importance of considering nutritional aspects in serving food to hotel guests. The research findings provide insight into how hotel chef perceptions of nutrition can affect their culinary practices as well as their potential implications for public health. The hygiene and sanitation aspects, according to the chefs, are an important factor that supports the presentation of clean and quality food so that it can increase consumer confidence in hotel food maintenance.  Advanced research can explore effective strategies to enhance knowledge and application of nutrition among hotel chefs


chef, perception of nutrition


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DOI: https://doi.org/10.32487/jshp.v9i1.2241


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