Analisis Komposisi Fasa dan Parameter Unit Sel Kristal Hasil Kalsinasi Suhu Tinggi Abu Cangkang (Paguroidea) dengan Metode Rietveld

Amirul Mukminin


Quantitative analysis by data refinement   of the Rietveld method for calcium-based catalyst samples from hermit crabs (Paguroidea) ash has been successfully carried out. The results of the improvement showed that the samples of hermit crab shell calcined at 900 ° C gave different phase compositions and unit cell parameters due to the influence of calcination times 2, 3 and 4 hours. 2 hours is a single phase   CaCO3 calcite, 3 hours are multiphase   CaCO3 calcite and CaO, while a  4 hour sample is a single phase CaO . The reliability value (R) of the improvement results,  RP, Rwp, Rexp and GoF = χ2 gives good and acceptable results


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