Pengaruh Perubahan Pitch dan Formant Terhadap Hasil Identifikasi Kepemilikan Suara Dengan Metode Audio Forensik

Mifta Nur Farid, Dani Dwi Putra, Barokatun Hasanah


Audio forensics is a field of science that analyzes audio such as sound recordings. Voice recordings always have information in the form of frequency characteristics, the identities of these frequencies can be identified. Furthermore, an analysis of changes in pitch and formant will be carried out. This study used pitch analysis and analysis of variance on formants. With the correct procedure for handling recorded sound evidence which is then followed by procedural examination and analysis, it is hoped that the results of the voice recognition examination can scientifically show the ownership of the voice in the recording. Based on the results of the overall analysis of the sound recordings of evidence and comparison after carrying out various stages of analysis, the voice recordings are "not identical" from the same person. The thing that causes the inequality in voice identification is the difference in intonation or tone of the subject's speech when the voice is recorded.


Audio Forensic; Formant; Pitch; Voice Recognition

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