Yusuf Fadillah, Insan Kamil, Priyo Suroso


Tanah lempung pada umumnya bersifat sangat kohesif, proses konsolidasi yang lambat dan, memiliki kadar kembang susut yang tinggi, dari permasalahan tersebut maka perlu dilakukan stabilisasi tanah. Penelitian ini bermaksud untuk mengetahui pengaruh penambahan abu cangkang kelapa sawit pada tanah lempung terhadap nilai CBR rendaman, faktor pengembangan dan kuat tekan bebas tanah dimana persentase penambahan abu cangkang kelapa sawit sebesar 6%, 8% dan 10% terhadap tanah kering dengan masa pemeraman selama 3 hari dan masa perendaman sampel CBR dan Swelling selama 4 hari. Pada penelitian ini tanah yang digunakan termasuk dalam kelompok A-7-5 berdasarkan klasifikasi AASHTO dengan nilai CBR rendaman tanah asli sebesar 1,90% dengan nilai pengembangannya sebesar 7,70% serta nilai kuat tekan bebasnya sebesar 6,745 Kg/cm2. Pada pengujian CBR rendaman tanah yang dicampur dengan abu cangkang sawit terjadi peningkatan nilai CBR dengan nilai tertinggi sebesar 4,81% terjadi pada penambahan 10% abu cangkang sawit, lalu dari pengujian pengembangan terjadi penurunan nilai pengembangan tanah dengan nilai optimumnya sebesar 5,86% terjadi pada penambahan 8% abu cangkang sawit dan pada pengujian kuat tekan bebas pada penambahan 6% abu cangkang sawit terjadi penurunan nilai kuat tekan bebas tanah, namun pada persentase penamabahan selanjutnya terjadi peningkatan nilai kuat tekan bebas dengan nilai optimumnya sebesar 9,903 Kg/cm2 pada penambahan 8% abu cangkang sawit.

Kata kunci: Abu Cangkang Sawit, CBR Rendaman, Kuat Tekan Bebas, Tanah lempung, Pengembangan


In general clay soil are very cohesive, has a slow consolidation and has a high swelling factor, from these problems it is necessary to soil stabilization. The purpose of this research are to find out effect of palm oil ash on clay soil of (California Beraing Ratio) CBR Soaked value, swelling factor value and then Unconfined Compresion Test value which is the percentage of added material are 6%, 8% and 10% of palm oil ash on dry soil with curing time 3 days on soil samples with soaked for 4 days. In this research the soil used was included in the A-7-5 group based on the AASHTO classification with the CBR Soaked value of the original soil are 1,90% and the value of Swelling Factor are 7,70% and then the value of Unconfined Compresion Test are 6,745 Kg/cm2. The result of CBR Soaked which mixed with added material of palm oil ash there was an increase in the CBR value with the highest value is 4.81% there was found in the addition of 10% palm oil ash, then from swelling factor test there was a decrease in the value of swelling factor with an optimum value of 5,86% occurred at the addition of 8% palm oil ash, and then in the Unconfined Compresion Test at the addition of 6% palm oil ash there was a decrease in the value of unconfined compression but at the next percentage addition there was an increase in the value of unconfined compression with the optimum value of 9.903 Kg/cm2 at the addition of 8% of palm oil ash.

Keywords: CBR Soaked, Clay Soil, Palm Oil Ash, Swelling Factor, Unconfined Compresion

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