Arwin Arwin, Yudi Kurniawan, Ida Bagus Dharmawan


Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui karakteristik spray bahan bakar campuran bensin-etanol pada vacuum chamber.  Pengujian bahan bakar dilakukan dengan memvariasikan tekanan pada vacuum chamber sebesar 0 In.Hg, 10 In.Hg, 15 In.Hg, dan 22 In.Hg dan campuran bahan dengan persentase etanol sebesar 0%, 10%, 20%, dan 30%. Setiap semprotan campuran bahan bakar dianalisa karakteristik semprotannya  dengan merekam menggunakan kamera. Selanjutnya data berupa video semprotan bahan bakar di convert menjadi gambar menggunakan software Adobe Priemer Pro CC lalu dianalisa dengan menggunakan software Image J untuk memperoleh data karakteristik spray bahan bakar yang berupa spray tip penetration, velocity of spray, dan angle spray. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa nilai spray tip penetrasion dan velocity of spray terendah pada E0 yaitu sebesar  15,8 cm dan 52,6 cm/s pada kevakuman 0 In.Hg (1 atm), sedangkan spray tip penetration dan velocity of spray tertinggi pada E30 yaitu sebesar 26,2 cm dan 84,5 cm/s pada kevakuman 22 In.Hg. Sedangkan spray angle tertinggi pada bahan bakar E0 yaitu sebesar 20,1º pada kevakuman 22 In.Hg dan terendah pada E30 yaitu sebesar 15,8⁰ pada kevakuman 0 In.Hg. Semakin tinggi persentase etanol disetiap tekanan vakum yang diujikan menunjukkan nilai spray tip penetration dan velocity of spray semakin meningkat sedangkan nilai spray angle mengalami penurunan. Hal ini disebabkan karena terjadi peningkatan viskositas, densitas campuran bahan bakar dan berkurangnya tekanan gas/udara di dalam vacuum chamber. Semakin tinggi viskositas dan densitas bahan bakar serta tekanan vakum pengujian maka nilai spray tip penetration, velocity of spray dan angle spray bahan bakar juga meningkat.

Kata kunci: Karakteristik, spray, bensin, etanol, vakum



This research aims to determine the spray characteristics of gasoline-ethanol mixed fuel in a vacuum chamber. Fuel testing was carried out by varying the pressure in a vacuum chamber of 0 In.Hg, 10 In.Hg, 15 In.Hg, and 22 In.Hg and a mixture of ingredients with an ethanol percentage of 0%, 10%, 20%, and 30% . Each spray of the fuel mixture is analyzed for its spray characteristics by recording it using a camera. Next, the data in the form of fuel spray videos were converted into images using Adobe Priemere Pro CC software and then analyzed using Image J software to obtain data on fuel spray characteristics in the form of spray tip penetration, spray speed and spray angle. The results showed that the spray tip penetration value and the lowest spray speed at E0 were 15.8 cm and 52.6 cm/s at a vacuum of 0 In.Hg (1 atm), while the spray tip penetration and the highest spray speed were at E30, namely 26.2 cm and 84.5 cm/s at a vacuum of 22 In.Hg. Meanwhile, the highest spray angle for E0 fuel is 20.1º at a vacuum of 22 In.Hg and the lowest is for E30, namely 15.8 at a vacuum of 0 In.Hg. The higher the percentage of ethanol at each vacuum pressure tested, it shows that the value of spray tip penetration and velocity of spray increases while the value of spray angle decreases. This is caused by an increase in viscosity, density of the fuel mixture and reduced gas/air pressure in the vacuum chamber. The higher the viscosity and density of the fuel as well as the vacuum pressure of the test, the values of spray tip penetration, velocity of spray and angle of spray of the fuel also increase.


Keywords: Characteristics, spray, gasoline, ethanol, vacuum

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