Srihanto Srihanto, Moch. Sugiri, Dhany Handika


Beban pendinginan pada kereta di pengaruhi oleh suhu lingkungan dan struktur ruang penumpang kereta tersebut. EMU KCIC 400AF dilengkapi dengan kereta restorasi, dimana terdapat berbagai perlengkapan yang mebutuhkan daya, serta beberapa jenis makanan. Sehingga, penumpang harus tetap merasa nyaman dengan sirkulasi sistem pengondisian udara Air Conditioning (AC). Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui beban pendingin dengan metode CLTD (Cooling Load Temperature Difference) dan mengetahui beban pendingin dengan metode OTTV (Overall Thermal Transfer Value) pada kereta restorasi EMU CR400AF. Pendekatan dalam penelitian ini adalah pendekatan kuantitatif. Penelitian dilakukan dengan cara menghitung beban pendingin pada kereta restorasi EMU CR400AF. Pengambilan data dan spesifikasi melalaui Dokumen Spesifikasi Teknis CR400AF (China Railway Rollingstock Corporation) dan dokumen pendukung lainnya. Penelitian dilanjutkan dengan menghitung nilai OTTV dari kereta makan EMU CR400AF dan nilai OTTV yang didapat diteruskan dengan menghitung beban pendingin dengan metode CLTD. Hasil yang diperoleh dari penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa sistem pengondisian udara kereta makan EMU CR400AF menggunakan AC paket dimana komponennya terletak di salah satu ujung atas kereta. Nilai OTTV pada kereta makan sebesar 11, 626 Watt/m. Nilai total beban pendingin dengan metode CLTD meliputi beban internal dan beban eksternal yaitu sebesar 40.238, 04 W, serta faktor keamanan minimal 10% dari total beban pendingin, sehingga total beban pendingin kereta makan EMU CR400AF yaitu sebesar 44.261, 844 W atau 44, 26 kW. Spesifikasi dari sistem Air Conditioning kereta makan EMU CR400AF memiliki kapasitas sebesar 45 kW, sehingga dapat disimpulkan bahwa satu unit Air Conditioning yang terpasang pada kereta dapat memenuhi beban pendingin pada kereta makan yang berada di kereta nomor 5. Nilai daya kompresor yang digunakan pada AC kereta makan EMU CR400AF yaitu sebesar 9 kW.

Kata kunci: Sistem Pengkondisian Udara, Beban pendingin, Kereta Makan CR400AF, OTTV, CLTD



The cooling load on the train is affected by the ambient temperature and the structure of the passenger compartment of the train. The EMU CR400AF is equipped with a restoration car, where there are various equipment that require power, as well as several types of food. So, passengers must still feel comfortable with the circulation of the Air Conditioning (AC) system. This study aims to determine the cooling load using the CLTD (Cooling Load Temperature Difference) method and determine the cooling load using the OTTV (Overall Thermal Transfer Value) method on the EMU CR400AF restoration car. The approach in this research is a quantitative approach. The research was conducted by calculating the cooling load on the EMU CR400AF restoration carriage. Retrieval of data and specifications through CRRC (China Railway Rollingstock Corporation) documents and other supporting documents. The research was continued by calculating the OTTV value of the EMU CR400AF dining car and the OTTV value obtained was continued by calculating the cooling load using the CLTD method. The results obtained from this study indicate that the EMU CR400AF dining car air conditioning system uses an AC package where the components are located at one end of the train. The OTTV value for the dining car is 11.626 Watt/m. The total value of the cooling load using the CLTD method includes internal load and external load which is equal to 40,238.04 W, as well as a minimum safety factor of 10% of the total cooling load, so that the total cooling load for the EMU CR400AF train is 44,261.844 W or 44.26 kW. The specifications of the EMU CR400AF dining car Air Conditioning system have a capacity of 45 kW, so it can be concluded that one Air Conditioning unit installed on the train can meet the cooling load on the dining car which is on train number 5. The value of the compressor power used in the EMU CR400AF dining car air conditioner is 9 kW.

Keywords: Air Conditioning System, Cooling Load, CR400AF dinning car, OTTV, CLTD

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