Zulhelman Zulhelman, Rahmat Rahmat


Streaming video is a technology to play video files directly and can be run immediately without having to wait for download. The video continues to "flow" without interference taken through the server on the network. This study attempts to evaluate the performance of video streaming over an IP / MPLS network using a Mikrotik RB941 router, PC server, and PC client. The network uses the data forwarding method through a network that uses the label information attached to the IP packet that is MPLS. The QoS performance testing parameters are delay, throughput, jitter, packet loss, and use the standard UU-T G.1010 and ETSI 1999-2006 on the client side, with variable number of clients, bandwidth width on the router and video resolution. The video sent consists of 6 kinds resolution. The test results show that the best category of Quality of Service in video testing with 144p, 240p, 360p, 480p, 720p and 1080p resolution which is done in this study is the condition of 5 Mbps, 10 Mbps and 100 Mbps bandwidth with 2 clients.

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