Irna Hendriyani, Dani Prakoso


Industrial production of brick is one of the building materials in the form of rocks whose hardening is not burned with forming material in the form of a mixture of sand, cement and water. In the small industry of brick making makers in Balikpapan, it does not yet have a standard that refers to SNI 03-0349-1989. Brick making methods are obtained based on the experience that has been done by previous people before them as well as their ignorance of brick making standards. This makes them never test the quality of the brick they produce. The purpose of this study was to analyze the quality of brick making from small industrial production in the city of Balikpapan. This research was conducted on 15 brick making makers in 6 sub-districts in Balikpapan. The sample used was 75 pieces for compressive strength testing, and 45 pieces for water content testing. From the results of the analysis it was found that the average quality of concrete blocks based on SNI 03-0349-1989 produced by brick makers in Balikpapan was in class III. To obtain the quality of class I brick making, the material used by the brick making maker requires a mixture of cement 1: 4, and the quality of the class II brick is 1: 6.

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