Udin Udin, Turahyo Turahyo, Arief Muliawan


The increasing use of cars causes several problems, one of which is in terms of parking. The irregular placement of car parking and lack of information on availability of parking lots. So that parking monitoring has difficulties, especially in crowded places such as parking in buildings, hotels and places of worship. This causes the parking monitoring solution to be easy, fast and good. During this time the parking monitoring system was carried out manually by using a lot of parking staff to help smooth parking monitoring. This is very inefficient, because it requires a lot of time to get information on available parking capacity in the parking area. The purpose of this final project is to design a prototype detection system for empty parking lots using arduino nano microcontroller-based sensors capable of displaying detection results in the form of information on the number and position of parking slots. The method used with arduino nano controls that are equipped with LCD systems, and Thermal printers to provide information data from the infrared sensor readings that exist in each parking block (P1, P2, P3 and P4), in addition there is also a data recognition system from RFID . From the results of the study showed that the parking monitoring prototype system can easily help monitor car parking.

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