Asrina Astagani, Agus Triyono


The Influence of learning media with abstract picture on students of samarinda SMKN 7 graphic design motivation. The impact of increasingly rapid technological development also affects the use of technology development in the field of education. The development of information and communication technology is one aspect that plays a role in facilitating the teaching and learning process because it offers various conveniences.The most popular learning media used today are visual media, audio and its combination (audio visual). SMKN 7 is one of the state vocational schools in Samarinda which was established on May 24, 2001. One of the fields opened was the Multimedia Department. One of the materials taught at the Multimedia Department is learning graphic design. In the initial material of learning graphic design, of course there will be many examples in visual form to facilitate students' understanding. So that in the making of audio visual based learning media, graphic design learning with computer devices can display visual / image examples either in realistic form (photos or illustration pictures) or abstract forms (cartoon or sketch images). The purpose of this study was to obtain the results of a study on the learning motivation of Multimedia Department students of SMKN 7 Samarinda. This study used a quantitative approach with the type of correlational research to determine whether there was influence between the variables of learning media on learning motivation of students of class XII Multimedia Department at SMK 7 Samarinda.

The results of research conducted in the Multimedia Department of SMK 7 Samarinda Graphic Design Subjects found that the use of learning media in the category was quite good, students 'motivation was categorized very well and there was a positive correlation with learning media on students' learning motivation in the low group and negatively correlated with the high group.

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