Intensifikasi Proses pada Penyulingan Minyak Serai Wangi dengan Bantuan Gelombang Ultrasonik (Ultrasonic following Steam-Hydro Distillation)

Bangkit Gotama, Ashadi Sasongko


The Steam-Hydro Distillation (SHD) is a commonly used method of the citronella oil processing industry. However, the yield and quality of the oil produced tends to be inconsistent, and energy consumption is quite high. The process intensification in the distillation of citronella oil using ultrasonic waves is expected to be able to increase the yield and quality of the oil produced and reduce energy requirements. This research was conducted to examine the effect of sonication operating conditions on the Ultrasonic following Steam-Hydro Distillation (US-SHD) on the yield and quality of citronella oil. In addition, a comparative analysis of the yield and quality (density) of oil between the US-SHD and the SHD was also carried out in this study. Extraction of citronella oil with the US-SHD was sonicated for 5, 10, 15 and 20 minutes and used a power of 180 and 360 watts and continued with distillation for 60 minutes which also applies to the SHD. In the US-SHD, the highest yield of citronella oil was obtained during sonication for 20 minutes with 360 watts of power, which is 1,13%. Whereas in the SHD, the yield obtained is only 0,85%. The results of this study also showed that with a slight increase in energy consumption due to ultrasonic wave induction (2,15%), it was able to produce a substantial increase in citronella oil yield (31,83%) but did not significantly influence its density.

Keywords : citronella oil, process intensification,ultrasonic following steam-hydro distillation, sonication


Pada industri pengolahan minyak serai wangi, metode penyulingan kukus (Steam-Hydro Distillation atau SHD) merupakan metode yang umum digunakan. Namun, kualitas dan kuantitas minyak yang dihasilkan cenderung tidak konsisten, serta tingkat konsumsi energi yang cukup besar. Intensifikasi proses pada penyulingan minyak serai wangi dengan menggunakan gelombang ultrasonik diharapkan mampu meningkatkan kuantitas maupun kualitas minyak yang dihasilkan serta mengurangi kebutuhan energi.Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk mengkaji pengaruh kondisi operasi sonikasi pada metode Ultrasonic following Steam-HydroDistillation (US-SHD) terhadap rendemen dan kualitas minyak serai wangi. Penyulingan minyak serai wangi dengan metode US-SHD dilakukan melalui tahap sonikasi selama 5, 10, 15 dan 20 menit dan menggunakan daya sebesar 180 dan 360 watt serta dilanjutkan tahap penyulingan selama 60 menit. Pada penyulingan metode US-SHD, rendemen minyak serai wangi tertinggi diperoleh pada saat sonikasi selama 20 menit dengan daya 360 watt, yakni sebesar 1,13%. Sedangkan pada metode SHD, rendemen yang diperoleh hanya mencapai 0,85%. Hasil penelitian ini juga menunjukkan bahwa dengan sedikit peningkatan konsumsi energi dikarenakan induksi gelombang ultrasonik (13,92%), mampu menghasilkan peningkatan rendemen minyak serai wangi yang substansial (31,83%) namun tidak berpengaruh signifikan terhadap densitasnya.  

Kata kunci :  minyak serai wangi, intensifikasi proses, ultrasonic following steam-hydro distillation, sonikasi



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