Samsul Hasibuan


Indonesia merupakan salah satu negara yang letaknya dekat dengan pertemuan lempeng besar bumi, hal ini menyebabkan gempa sering terasa dan berimbas pada bangunan. Mayoritas bangunan yang rusak akibat gempa adalah rumah, sedangkan gedung–gedung tinggi relatif mampu bertahan karena kemampuan gedung sudah diperhitungkan dengan matang. Laporan-laporan studi lapangan mengenai keruntuhan bangunan gedung ataupun perumahan ketika terjadi gempa bumi besar di Indonesia masih didominasi pada bangunan yang tidak dihitung dimana hanya menggunakan struktur pasangan bata dan struktur dinding bata terkekang. Pada makalah ini rumah pasangan batu bata akan di modelkan dan dianalisis menggunakan bantuan software  ETABS v9.7.4 dengan asumsi rumah pasangan batu bata tersebut berada di wilayah zona Gempa 4 dengan percepatan puncak di batuan dasar sebesar 0,20 (g) dan rumah tersebut dibangun di daerah tanah lunak. Selanjutnya hasil analisis memperlihatkan kinerja pada rumah pasangan batu bata akibat Gempa yang terjadi. Overall rumah pasangan batu bata termasuk dalam level kinerja (Life Safety).

Kata kunci: ETABS v9.7.4, Life Safety, Performa, Rumah, Seismik


Indonesia is one of the countries that is located close to the meeting of the earth large plates, this causes earthquakes to occurs frequently and has an impact on buildings. Majority of the buildings damaged by the earthquake were houses, while tall buildings are relatively able to survive because the ability of the buildings has been calculated carefully. Field study reports regarding collapsing of buildings or housing during a major earthquake in Indonesia are still dominated by uncounted buildings which only use masonry structures and confined masonry structures. In this paper the brick masonry house will be modeled and analyzed using the ETABS v9.7.4 software, with the assumption that the brick masonry house is in the earthquake zone 4 area with a peak acceleration at bedrock of 0,20 (g) and the house is built on soft ground area. Furthermore, the analysis results show the performance of brick masonry houses due to the earthquake that occurred. Overall brick masonry houses are included in the performance level (Life Safety).

Keywords: ETABS v9.7.4, House, Life Safety, Performance, Seismic

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