Hari Siswoyo, Pitojo Tri Juwono, Mohammad Taufiq


The quality of groundwater that is used as an irrigation water affects soil and plants on agricultural land. The quality of groundwater as an irrigation water can be identified based on the potential of salinityhazard and alkalinity hazard. The objectives of this study was to identify potential of salinity hazards and alkalinityhazards of groundwater resources used as sources of irrigation water in the Mojokerto Regency. This research was conducted on 20 production wells with a depth of 100–128 m below ground level. The physico-chemical parameters in the identified groundwater samples include: water temperature, pH, total dissolved solids, electrical conductivity, and the concentration of ions dissolved in water (Na+, Ca2 +, Mg2 +). Salinity hazard potential was determined based on the calculation of the value of electrical conductivity at 25˚C, while the potentialof alkalinity hazard was determined based on the sodium adsorption ratio. Based on this research, it can be described that ground water used as an irrigation water source in the study area in general (90% of the total research sample) has the potential of medium salinity hazard and low alkalinity hazard in the C2-S1 irrigation water class. Irrigation water in this class can be given to plants with moderate tolerance to salt and can be used for irrigation in almost all types and conditions of the soil.

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